Leadership is personal.

What I do is hold myself accountable first and let others see that I’m not willing to let myself down.

What this does is it challenges the people around me to hold themselves accountable just like I do.

If you can be an inspiration to others then do it!

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We have pretty high expectations set for our sales leaders.

What I teach them though is that it’s all about the expectations that they set for themselves.

Once your motivated you gotta keep yourself motivated. Watch as these guys share what is keeping their engine running!

Check out my guy @flac_sr who stopped by our training facility this week!

Follow on Facebook: Bridge The Gap Marketing US
Instagram: @bridgethegapmarketingus
Youtube: http://bit.ly/BridgeTheGapMarketingChannel
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It’s about how you say things.

Tonality helps you control people emotions when you speak to them.

The words you choose to use helps you control their imagination.

Dissecting these two things in your sales pitch will surely help you increase your sales.

Follow on Facebook 👉🏾 Bridge The Gap Marketing US

Follow on Instagram 👉🏾 @bridgethegapmarketingus

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We create entrepreneurs!

We hope that you all are enjoying our content!
The goal is to inspire, motivate, and challenge you to go after your dreams.
We offer a unique opportunity here for you to work for yourself and potentially grow into a business owner.
Stop by our training facility located in the Bronx on Westchester Square or visit us online: www.bridgethegapmarketingus.com

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Door to door teaches you be resilient and you need that in life because it’s zero to 60 out here!

We have to communicate with all types of people. Some are friendly, others are miserable, and then you have the mentally ill. You will learn how to manage them all at @bridgethegapmarketingus and that experience is priceless.

Listen as some of our students share what it’s like in the field.

Facebook: Bridge The Gap Marketing US
Instagram: @bridgethegapmarketingus
Online: http://bit.ly/BridgeTheGapMarketing

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You know how hard it is to keep your mindset in the right place but now imagine that you have to keep others around you mentally strong. Imagine if their life depended on it.

Lucky Luis and I get a chance to talk about our mothers who both suffered from cancer. What we both learned is that you have to be mentally strong to take on that disease. Unfortunately he lost his mother but we speak about how he now has to use his story because its relatable.

It’s powerful when you can use the things that you thought you would never recover from and turn it into a weapon that you can use to become successful.

Instagram: @bridgethegapmarketingus
Facebook: Bridge The Gap Marketing US
Visit online: http://bit.ly/BridgeTheGapMarketing

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Being mentally prepared requires you to become strategic about what you allow to influence you.

Be careful of what you watch! I come from a certain extreme so I don’t need to be reminded of how bad things can get.

If I have a choice and I certainly do then I choose to be surrounded by positivity. I rather wake up motivated instead of mad, I want to be encouraged instead of scared, you can’t be powerful if you feel put down.

Give yourself the advantage of only watching things that build you up.

Visit us online: http://bit.ly/BridgeTheGapMarketing

#bridgethegapmarketingus #areyoumotivateduniversity #quincyjsims

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No surrender!

Often you see me close my customer at the door but today I decided to show you what happens when a customer has what we call “buyers remorse”.

The customer I sold two weeks ago decided to cancel his order due to his girlfriend not liking Verizon. Once I learned of the cancel from my general manager Ronald Belluzzi I called my customer back to get him rescheduled.

Watch how I immediately took the blame for the customer not getting installed and listened to the reason why he cancelled before providing him with a solution.

Our dreams are not up for negotiations..#LIFEOFACLOSER

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I had the pleasure of signing up a customer that I ended up recruiting into door to door sales!

His name is Luis we call him “lucky” but not because he needs any. It’s just that we feel lucky to have him.

I will share with you a personal story. His mother just passed away of cancer and that touched me because my mother has cancer.

Checkout this interview we did about what his first days of door to door has been like.

Follow on Facebook: Bridge The Gap Marketing US

Visit us online: http://bit.ly/BridgeTheGapMarketing

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Are You Motivated University

Would you like to become a top performer in life within less than a year without paying for college?

Let me ask you:
How many of you guys would like to discover how to close more customers in a face to face setting?
If you said Yes
I will reveal how to close your customer face to face in 5 minutes without being pushy.
First I want to Thank you for joining me. Trust me I know how busy your lives are and I will be careful not to waste your time. I’m letting you know about my course in advance because in order to keep the training intimate we are only selecting a few and it will be first come first serve.

The information I am sharing with you is different because what I have discovered is a way to sell in stealth mode.

Three benefits:

1. You will understand how to properly introduce yourself and provoke a conversation.

2. I will reveal how tonality plays a major part of getting your customer to make a decision.

3. I will show you how to close and have your customer thanking you for your help.

You goal is to sell more customers face to face and the only way to master that is by understanding the techniques that I will offer in this course.

I am offering my one month course for $299.99 once it is available in the next 30 days but if you pre-order now you will have access to the program for only $99.99!

Pre-Order today: http://bit.ly/AreYouMotivatedUniversity

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